Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Girls Guide to Life by Katie Meier

I really enjoyed this book! It is so relevant to today’s teens and the issues they face everyday. Anything a girl ever wanted to ask or find out about is covered in this book!
The book is divided into three main sections which are Body, Mind and Soul. In Part 1 – The Mind section she covers topics such as self esteem, romance, going online and disorders. She has even included phone numbers and web sites for teens who want to get help or want more information. Part 2 – The Body she talks about beauty, fashion, body changes, sex and relationships. This is such an important section of the book, a lot of girl’s struggle with the fact that they are not a little girl anymore but not an adult either. They are sometimes caught in the middle, their bodies are changing and they often feel more emotional during these years. The author explains each topic in a way that is comforting and I feel like the girl’s after reading this book will feel that they are not alone in this journey but that every other girl is experiencing a lot of the same things that they each are! Part 3 – The Soul which covers relationships with friends and family, religion and service. One thing that I really like in each chapter is her lists of BIG MYTHS that girls fall for and then how she explains the REAL DEAL. These are fun to read!
Being a mother of teenage girl’s I think I learnt a lot from the book as well. We never had MySpace, Facebook , texting or sexting when I was a teen so I felt her information was invaluable for me as a parent. Teenage girls are such a blessing and so is this book, I would recommend this to any parent who has a teen!

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