Sunday, November 21, 2010

Heaven is for Real

It’s been a long time since I started to read a book and couldn’t put it down! This book was so enjoyable, and written in a way that was so easy to read. As a Christian the topic of heaven has always intrigued me. I’ve read other books about people who saw a glimpse into heaven but none affected me as much as this did. Seeing heaven through a child’s eyes was fascinating!
This book is written by Todd Burpo, a pastor as well as a father, who retells his experiences as well as his 4 year old son Colton’s. While Colton was having an emergency appendectomy he had an out of body experience which he reveals over the months and years following his recovery. Although his parents were skeptical at first, the more information he gave it became clear that God had not only saved his life but had given him a special gift, a special meeting – a glimpse into heaven! He told details about seeing his parents in the hospital while he was in surgery, meeting a sister and Grandfather that he never met on earth and relaying a message that God loved everyone. His descriptions of Jesus, the Angels, God and the Holy Spirit were majestic. I loved the way Todd added verses from the bible that lined up with what Colton had seen. I love the gift God gave to Colton’s mother of knowing that her daughter was safe and the healing in her heart from losing that child could begin. One thing that struck me however was how Colton reacted to talking about Satan, and how he described Angels with swords guarding heaven. Made me realize once again how we too need to guard our hearts and family here on earth.
This book is a great read for anyone who wonders what heaven is all about. We do learn that we will see our loved ones, interact with God and have purpose after we die. It’s really quite amazing!!

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